garage door repair in Pleasant Hill CA 

Garage Door Repair Location in Pleasant Hill, CA

Same Day Garage Door Repair
122 Woodsworth Ln 
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 United States
(925) 808-3169
Pleasant Hill, California is a city in Contra Costa County, California, United States, in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area. The population was 32,837 at the 2000 census. It was incorporated in 1961. Pleasant Hill is the home of College Park High School, Diablo Valley College, John F Kennedy University, the central branch of the Contra Costa County Library system, and Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District and one of the most beautiful monuments to world war 2 veterans in downtown Pleasant Hill.

Same Day Garage door repair is located in Pleasant Hill, California and is between Gregory Lane and Contra Costa Blvd at (37.949866, -122.063602).


37.949866 °
N 37 ° 56' 59.5"
37 ° 56.9920' (degree m.mmmm)


-122.063602 °
W 122 ° 3' 49.0"
-122 ° 3.8161' (degree m.mmmm)

Same Day Garage Door Repair services Pleasant Hill's growing community providing garage door repair, replacement garage doors and openers. We specialize in Pleasant Hill style garage doors and can accommodate many custom styles and configurations.

Pleasant Hill has more unique types of garage doors than any other city in the Bay Area and we will come prepared with the necessary parts to get your garage door working like new.

Nearest cities to Pleasant Hill:

Pacheco, CA  (1.6 miles ), Central Contra Costa, CA (1.6 miles ), Walnut Creek, CA  (1.8 miles ), Concord, CA  (1.8 miles ), Vine Hill, CA (2.0 miles ), Martinez, CA  (2.1 miles ).

Call us today at (925) 808-3169, and we will save you as much as 50% on your garage door repair, spring repair or door opener replacement. We service many cities around Pleasant Hill, CA

How is the Climate in Pleasant Hill?

Pleasant Hill's climate is a Mediterranean one having cool and wet winters and dry, warm summers. Winter tends to be in the forties and fifties and summers reign in the high seventies to upper eighties occasionally reaching the low nineties. On very rare occasions the temperatures can get in the one hundred range during extreme Heatwaves. Freezing in winter is also rare, but it does happen. Occasionally, summer Fog will roll in, but winter fog is very common but not very dense.